My most sincere apologies to anyone who was trying to sign up through the old form.
It is malfunctioning and I am not receiving your forms!
To ensure your order gets placed,
either use our trusted online store or email me directly @
Please make sure you to let us know what size you would like and how often.
your address and any special delivery instructions.
All orders need to be made by Saturday @ Noon to receive it the following week.
All Cancellations must be in by Saturday @ Noon.
Payment and Delivery instructions:
All orders are C.O.D.
For your first delivery, please leave your cash or cheque in an envelope at your front door.
You may also pre-pay via our online store or send interac etransfer to :
The following week place $ in the clean bin that we provide for you and well, we swap bins! It's that easy!
We deliver every Monday afternoon from Langdale to Davis Bay
and Tuesday morning from Sechelt to Garden Bay.
All deliveries beyond Secret Cove is an additional $3 charge.
You can have weekly, bi- weekly or on call service, please specify!